Curated Confections

Wherever I wander, I hunt for fun and fabulous things.

Gifting is my love language, and I want to share the love with you!

Curated Confections are the sweet and sassy somethings I find on this crazy soul sabbatical.

I love sharing my beautiful, funny, funky and fabulous finds with my family and friends. All purchases here help power the journey.

The High Hat Collection is customizable flair for fedoras and felt hats. vintage hat pins, poker chips, broaches and buttons meet feathers and ribbons for one of a kind statement pieces. Like their percussive counterpart, High Hat provides peppy punctuation no matter the beat of the drummer Wearing Them.

Sweet and Sassy

Looking for something specific?

I live for the hunt. If it is legal to purchase and easy to ship, I’m happy to help find it for you.